Vehicle insurance black box

Anti-fraud, SVM and SVR services

Anti-fraud, SVM and SVR are the three main services that TEXA complies with effectively and efficiently thanks to a specific product range created for the world of Insurances & Brokers.

A black box that can be easily installed, supported by a specific App for smartphones in combination with a dedicated service portal to manage the theft and accident paperwork are able to comply with the needs of insurances and brokers in terms of anti-fraud verification.


The information on accidents and the geolocation information before and after the theft event is collected within specific folders with formats that were calibrated based on the specific needs of the world of insurances (Stolen Vehicle Management)

In addition to this, you can combine 24/7 Operations Centre services aimed at finding vehicles after the theft event, giving life to an actual SVR (Stolen Vehicle Recovery) service.

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